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[ ] NuggED: Editor Overview

NuggED allows you to modify and create games for the Nugget engine:


Each game contains global properties, block class definitions,
speedrun settings, game flags ("GFlags"), and a set of zones.

Each zone represents a playable area or level, consisting of
physical structures, obstacles and enemies, warp points,
zone flags ("ZFlags"), scripted events, and more.

Note: All game files are saved as plaintext ASCII files in the XML format.
This ensures they are human-readable and editable, while following a
common standard syntax which can be read by any XML software.
The semantics (keywords, attributes, etc.) are specific to Nugget's parser.

(In the future, it is planned to support compressed XML files,
and very compact binary files for faster loading and parsing.)

Game files are usually named *.xml (or *.nugget so that
they may be automatically opened in Nugget/NuggED.)

The main window consists of the graphical viewport, an
interactive area in which objects can be created and modified;
the property sidebar, a dynamic form which allows you to
edit the properties of one or more selected objects; and
a main menu which provides access to most editing functions.
The software also has many standard interface features:
copy and paste, undo, panning and zooming with the mouse, etc.
See the shortcuts page for more.

[The Basics]

Any zone consists of four main elements:

1. Blocks are used to create platforms, obstacles, characters,
decorations, particles, and items. The two horizontal brown blocks
pictured serve as solid, fixed platforms (the darker one is further
in the distance). The green block has eyes and moves in a fixed circle.
Blocks are always rectangular, with the exception of checkpoints,
such as the white circle pictured. The player's character is a special
block which is created and controlled automatically.

2. Areas are invisible rectangular regions which are usually used
to trigger scripted events. Each area can trigger three events:
when the player enters the region, exits the region, or presses the
action key within the region. The red rectangle pictured is an area.

3. Entrances are various points (x, y, z) at which the player
can enter a zone. Every zone needs at least one entrance. The
blue square with an X in the picture is an entrance.

4. Levels are xy planes at various z-distances from the camera.
The player (and other interactive blocks) can only move between
the zone's defined z-levels. ("Scenic" blocks may exist at
any z-depth.) The background color of the editor viewport
corresponds to the currently active level, just like in the game.

These objects can be inserted into a zone via the menus, buttons,
or keyboard shortcuts. When one is selected, its properties
can be directly modified in the sidebar. If more than one object of the
same type is selected, you may modify properties in the sidebar, but
you must press Enter to apply each change to the entire selection.

The other main component of the program is the script editor.
Scripts are executed during gameplay to move and modify objects,
change colors, create cutscenes, unlock features, play sound effets,
control the music, etc. Scripts are run at various triggers: zone load,
player death, entering an area, pressing an action key, and more.
For a list of every possible command, see the script reference.

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